Facebook is also permitting the news companies to collect data about the people reading the articles with the same tools they use to track visitors to their own sites. 新闻公司会在自营网站上追踪网站访客,Facebook还允许这些公司使用同样的工具来收集读者数据。
Reading a long tome ( say the Game of Thrones series) and you want to keep track of the characters? 看一本大部头的时候(比如权力的游戏系列),想厘清人物的脉络?
I realized that I went all smile while reading this, and felt genuine delight which I cannot recall having experienced since I have got a toy slot car race track for Christmas at the age of12. 看这条新闻的时候,我满心欢喜,而这种喜悦,不啻于12岁圣诞节那天得到一辆玩具轨道赛车。
Reading the journals of developers working on projects related to your own activities can be a good way to keep track of progress, design decisions, and opportunities. 阅读那些相关项目的开发者杂志,对您在工作中保持进步、设计决策以及把握机遇都是有益的。
If you're walking on a treadmill or using a stair-climbing machine, try reading so you lose track of the minutes while you're burning calories. 如果你在跑步机上跑或使用踩步机,试着看书,你会忘记时间又能燃烧脂肪。
I do a lot of reading, and one of the few downsides to that habit is that I often lose track of the source of an idea or phrase. 我会做大量阅读。这个习惯带来的一个不好的地方是经常遗漏某个想法或词组的来源。
The first part of thesis, in the base of inspecting and reading carefully texts, not only describe the track of the development of "Yixing Qiaozhuang" drama, but also explore reason of its variation. 本文第一章在辨别和统计剧目的基础之上,对易性乔装剧的嬗变轨迹进行了描述,并探寻了其发展变化的原因。
By taking advantage of RFID technology such as fast reading and writing, non-line-of-sight multi-target recognition, EPC network can track the moving objects in the logistics network in order to visualize the logistics process. EPC网络利用RFID技术快速读写、非视距多目标识别的优势对物流网络中移动物品进行全程跟踪和追溯,实现物流供应链的可视化透明管理。